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Even if the PDF is a scan, I can read the information I need.
The price is affordable and the service (mail sending) is very fast.
Thanks ! Regards. William (Fan of Kenwood)
Very good quality original datasheet!I like this amazing website!!!!!!
Excellent just what I needed to replace the electrolytic caps and make this old gem a beauty again. Was as scan of the original photocopied service manual.
It was helpful to get schematic with waveforms in important points and lot of service information. Manual is good quality, fast delivered. Of course it is hardcopy of paper one with all its disadvantages.
I want to give you a real heads-up for your desire to enable such people as I to acquire the information I need to maintain the older types of equipment such as this Akai HXA351W. You do a swell job with all the processes you have to perform so I can have a legible, thus usable
document which does not send me crazy trying to figure out the blurry text of a bad copy.
Very well done, Thomas.
4. RGB_PC doesn't display
Check input connect P7004. Can you see the normal waveform? No P7004 may have problem. Replace this Jack. Yes After checking the input TR of RGBHV, you
Check the input of Component switch(IC5002). should decide to replace these components or Can you see the normal waveform? No not. Yes
Check output Component switch(IC5002). After checking the Power of RGB switch you Can you see the normal waveform? should decide to replace component switch or not. No Yes After checking the Power of MST3361 you should decide to replace MST3361 or not. No Yes
Check the input of MST3361(IC7004 Pin41,44,46). Can you see the normal waveform?
- 20 Yes
Check output MST3361(IC7004 ). After checking the Power of MST3361 you should Can you see the normal waveform? decide to replace MST3361 or not. No
Check the input and output of BCM3550(IC4006). This board has big problem because Especially you should check Main chip(BCM3550) have some troubles. The H,V sync and clock. Yes After checking thoroughly all path once again, Can you see the normal waveform? You should decide to replace BCM3550 or not.
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